Note # 1 : These are the private views of the individuals , and I request the same to be respected.
Note # 2 : Please do not frame opinions about me or any individual based only on the following conversation
Note # 3 : Please DONT FORGET to read the Summary at the end of the post without any prejudice
Kunal Mahajan Rahul Gandhi visits Mumbai.Big Deal ya, who's really bothered.All that he wanted to do was make his presence the wake of Bihar Assembly Elections to follow soon, N ya.. How can a particular City belong to ne particular kinda ppl.We all knoe it. U need no brains to answer dat... however.. our politicians seem to have nothin better to do than earn gud TRPs for the news hungry Media. Indian media sux big time
Yesterday at 9:59pm
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You, Dhiraj Rane, Sahil Kanjwani, Wasim Wani and 11 others like this.
Rahul Patil for the first time i really felt shiv sena is being run by a coward dats uddhav not balasaheb!!! when the leader is insane what do you expect from its followers
Yesterday at 10:18pm ·
Vikas Hirekumbi aha dude watch out 4 wat ur sayin...there mite b sum worshiper of d sena listenin..............lols
Yesterday at 10:21pm ·
Kunal Mahajan m nt against the all... but... fanatism is ruining the nation... media is more destructive than our politicos
Yesterday at 10:48pm ·
Nisarga Sharma u \m/ ROCK \m/ dude
Yesterday at 10:49pm ·
Geetika Handoo there's no end to this debate... no one here is good they just fillin up there account and we followin them like moron's
Yesterday at 11:58pm ·
Rushi Pol Tax maharastra pays to the central government, is distributed among some states...... The influx has to stop.... Develop your own region... Don't betray your people... These people think the incoming is free.... go back to your people.... Let us be....
Today at 1:54am ·
Kshitiz Chauhan The point is why to hurt anyone in our country for no reason whatsoever.Issues could be created out of anything.
We are one country and everyone has a right for comment but lets ensure that it does not get personal to anyone.It is easy to hurt anyone but it is difficult to win one's trust and affection.
Today at 2:01am ·
Sanjay Singh Bisht what u mean my immigrants we all are pl of one country.....we dnot need passports to travel i from where this immigrant thing came..
Today at 7:05am ·
Kunal Mahajan thanx 4 da comments folks... did u realise one thing -> How each 1 of us got carried away with ones own ideas and beleifs.... dats what these politicians do... they take us for granted...cos they know that the public is feather brained.... and the media plays this dirty game hands n gloves with these politicos.. remember the "malegaon blast case"... where the Congress tried to take advantage by giving the press a new jargon "Hindu Terror"... dats how easy it is for these ppl to create differences betwn us... they r no better than the British who Divided & Conquered... if nebody is to be blamed for these shitty state of affairs, it is we - who get influenced far-too-easily by the media... M glad RGV showed the vulgar side of the press in his movie Rann... i was actually hoping for such an eye opener for my countrymen...a long time since... there is a conspiracy in every controversy that the media creates 2day.. gone are the days when the media played an instrumental role in promoting Swadeshi and Satyagraha... dont build your opinion by reading a certain section of the media... United we Stand and Divided we Fall... dats true... but regional issues are as important for the Nations Integrity as are the National Security issues for World peace. Some1 will polarize a certain elements to be State fanatics... while the other will make us believe that taking High Moral ground is the only hope for sustaining national unity... well folks.. these are all gimmicks... its time we realised that the true colours of our Nation are not those that our so-called-Leaders want us to see through..
Jai Hind..JAi Maharashtra...
(Note i've written Hind B4 Maharashtra..and it shall be the same...always)
Today at 10:06am ·
Rushi Pol @Tatsam: U can settle in any part of the country no doubt.... but its the influx I'm talking about.... loads and loads of people come here taking the jobs those r rightfully ours... They live in slums.... If the same thing happens in J&K they'll do the same.... And people here fight for reservations... There shouldn't be any reservations... There are enough jobs available for our people... Don't even get me started on that....
Today at 11:44am ·
Rushi Pol @kunal: Pick a side..........
Today at 11:51am ·
Amar Ghorpade More so the congress party says it has done things to protect the rights of maharastrian people in mumbai, whereas ud see that all kinds of people have reservations in mumbai and no one but the marathi manoos has no one to turn to. there are no reservations these out siders benefit in alll walks on life money,education ,jobs travelling etc.these people come frm outside and do dadagiri on marathis.and bcoz of these things there are very few maharashtrian peopleleft in mumbai.take it frm me i hv lived there my entire life!
11 hours ago ·
Amar Ghorpade I dont hav nething against non maharashtrian people i just want to make it clear that both the thakeras and the gandhis are just doing politics they r just playing games wid everyone!
11 hours ago ·
Rushi Pol Amar man we have to clean up the mess.... I don't know why these people don't work in their own region ...I wont go in U.P. or Biihar to work..... They are betraying there own land ... Its like stab in the back... Drive taxis there.. I'm sure people there would love to travel in taxis ....
11 hours ago ·
Wasim Wani Thackreys r playing very old cards, instead of waving their stick on biharis and up wallas , why dont they raise real issues dat r haunting maharshtra. Most f maharshtrian popultn is composed f farmers, these poor fellows dont give a damn shit whether mumbai belongs to marathis or not. For instance take dis,agricltr minister of india s from maharshtra and farmers of mahrstra r suffering most.Nearly 29,000 farmers committed suicide in Maharashtra between 1997 and 2005, official data show. No other State comes close to that total.have thackreys ever raised such issues
Regarding congress they r bloody hypocrites. Media ,entertainment,financal world evrythng has been hired by them, so they can always turn tide in their favour no matter wat it itz time to wake up and give a good kick at their bloody asses instead of getting locked in loggerheads and scratching each others heads....
8 hours ago ·
Rushi Pol @Tatsam: You don't get the point do u? How many u think travel to new york......What kind of merit is required to drive a taxi, or do a menial work... Jobs like these are taken up by immigrants thru bribes and illegal licenses.... Mumbai is a financial center... yes ... who made it??? biharis??? Why is bihar or UP not a cosmopolitan or a financial center... U know these are just "terms".... The government jobs like the ones in railways... Locals should be given preference first and its the law... We are not talking about Engineers or about the people with good degrees .... Its the less privileged people.. Those jobs.. they come here [ "LONDHE" ] ... live in slums... get these jobs and settle here ?? why cause its a financial center.... This has to stop...
8 hours ago ·
7 hours ago ·
Abhinav Iyer woah!!!..why r some ppl so regionalistic here??..@sanjay-u mention 'one country' n later go on to discriminate...strange!!
@rushi-'immigrants' r not to blame..who stopped our(marathi) ppl from driving taxis or doing other menial jobs..d bihari's never stopped it forbidden?? blame d government n not d ppl u call "mess"..
7 hours ago ·
Abhinav Iyer its like accusin d person b4 u in the queue who got d last ticket for a movie n the point about bribes n illegal licenses..its like penalising d person buying d ticket in black n ignoring d person selling those tickets..
7 hours ago ·
6 hours ago ·
Abhinav Iyer n finally mumbai is d financial capital BECAUSE of its diversity not inspite of it!!!..get over dis regionalistic debate guys!!!instead of lamenting d loss of jobs of marathi youth celebrate d 11.4% growth reate of 'bihar' in 2009 or d growth of jharkhand or orissa for dat matter
6 hours ago ·
Sanjay Singh Bisht I AGREE WITH U TATSAM......
6 hours ago ·
Deepak D Phopase @Tatsam:Wat kind of bullshit ur speaking "wiping ur regional ass" . dont u have respect nd love for ur own state and its people ? u r just behaving like a Lunatic who just wants to force his views on others . y dont u blame the regional politicos of the states whose poor people hav 2 migrate for jobs in such huge nos. r they not to blame in this context. i dont understand dis biased frame of mind these people hav towards us . We never blame the people for migrating in maharashtra ,we have always welcomed everybody with open arms . But dont these regional politicians feel the need to develop their own state rather than letting their people to settle in other states ndthen fight over their fundamental rights??
**Everyone plz mind ur language wen u speak on such sensitive issues so tat nobodys sentiments r hurt**
5 hours ago ·
Wasim Wani i m enjoying this....Guys plz go on...and use some fucking dirty language. Dont act like gentleman, otherwise facebook will loose its purpose
4 hours ago ·
2 hours ago ·
Rushi Pol Let me make things clear first.. I'm not talking about the corporate sector, or students with higher degrees... My only concern is with the jobs for the less privileged. Now here are some facts. 1)24 nov. 2003 53 migrants were killed in Assam as a part of anti migrants campaign. 2) On June 06 2009 2 Biharis were killed in karnataka 3)In 2009 KPF (karnataka protection Force) stormed the exam centers in protest of Bihari candidates. 4) Indira gandhi on 13 December 1972 said and I quote in LOK SABHA “ While we stand for the principle that any Indian should be able to work in any part of India. At the same time it is true, that if a large number of people from outside come to seek employment, that is bound to create tension in that area. Therefore, while I do not like the idea of having any rule, one has to have a balance and see that the local people are not deprived of employment”
Sanjay Neerupam says he’ll distribute lathis among biharis in Mumbai.. How do u think I’ll respond to that. … The slums in Mumbai consists of 54% of the migrants (highest in India)
Now you talk about Mumbai being a financial center.. There was a ‘Sanyukta Maharastra Andolan’ in 1960 and Mumbai was a part of Maharastra. 55 Marathi people died in the Andolan… So its upto us…
Now what I don’t understand is that there is violence against the migrants far worse than Maharatra in other states. Why are people not talking about that …
The next time you even think of speaking against a MARATHI … first go fuck yourself…..
2 hours ago ·
Kunal Mahajan tatsam..lets not get vulgar here..
2 hours ago ·
Wasim Wani @RUSHI : Had i been at ur place may b i wold have reacted in somewhat similar manner..though i would not have been carried by the holow slogans of these politicians as u r.Its all a hogwash. I can understand ur Sentiments, but then ur frst responsibiity is towards ur contry and its integrity. Instead f blaming biharis and up wallas , try 2 find out d reasn as to why local population is getting marginalised...U know all big entrepnrs in mumbai r Gujaratis, marwadis, from all sections of society.So mumbai is collective effort not an isolated one.
Regarding problem f slums, most f them r again itz becoz f vested intersts of ur poiticians that they r not deriven out
2 hours ago ·
Rushi Pol @Wasim: These are my thoughts .....
2 hours ago ·
Wasim Wani @rushi : i wish u would have added a little indian flavour in that comment
2 hours ago ·
Kunal Mahajan hw is one any-lesser-indian if one talks like Rushi above
2 hours ago ·
Wasim Wani @kunal : comment like that makes one sound linguistic
2 hours ago ·
Kunal Mahajan @wasim is being linguistic a threat to national integrity.....o wat
about an hour ago ·
Wasim Wani @kunal: i think u still haven't learned any lesson from 1000 years of slavery under foreign rule..yeh dil mange more..bang
about an hour ago ·
Kunal Mahajan @tatsam r u giving up o somethin,, plz dont... express ur views freely.. only dont use abusive language
about an hour ago ·
about an hour ago ·
Wasim Wani @sanjay : thats too mean
about an hour ago ·
Kunal Mahajan @ Sanjay what i fail to understand is..y is everybody fighting..n y isnt ne1 paying ne heed to what i said in my mornings post... i'll paste it here gain..ppl plz go thru it...
did u realise one thing -> How each 1 of us got carried away with ones own ideas and beleifs.... dats what these politicians do... they take us for granted...cos they know that the public is feather brained.... and the media plays this dirty game hands n gloves with these politicos.. remember the "malegaon blast case"... where the Congress tried to take advantage by giving the press a new jargon "Hindu Terror"... dats how easy it is for these ppl to create differences betwn us... they r no better than the British who Divided & Conquered... if nebody is to be blamed for these shitty state of affairs, it is we - who get influenced far-too-easily by the media... M glad RGV showed the vulgar side of the press in his movie Rann... i was actually hoping for such an eye opener for my countrymen...a long time since... there is a conspiracy in every controversy that the media creates 2day.. gone are the days when the media played an instrumental role in promoting Swadeshi and Satyagraha... dont build your opinion by reading a certain section of the media... United we Stand and Divided we Fall... dats true... but regional issues are as important for the Nations Integrity as are the National Security issues for World peace. Some1 will polarize a certain elements to be State fanatics... while the other will make us believe that taking High Moral ground is the only hope for sustaining national unity... well folks.. these are all gimmicks... its time we realised that the true colours of our Nation are not those that our so-called-Leaders want us to see through..
Jai Hind..JAi Maharashtra...
(Note i've written Hind B4 Maharashtra..and it shall be the same...always)
about an hour ago ·
Wasim Wani @sanjay: u should learn 2 rspect local culture and its traditions....Dont make any shitty comments like that
about an hour ago ·
Anant Chauhan he's no less n Indian but all i see is that he's actually more concerned about one state than the Country...anyways Kunal totally in your support..blame the media brothers..nd dont be so inflenced by it...
by the way
Anyone remembers da pledge...or it was just for the sake of it that you guys use to recite it in school.
about an hour ago ·
Kunal Mahajan @sanjay let your language project your responsibility towards society.. and not your ignorance
about an hour ago ·
Rohit Kulkarni kunal, jab 2 comments aaye the.. tabhi maine bola tha.. ye post tera hit hone wala hai.. :D
about an hour ago ·
Wasim Wani Kunal is a very shrewd man...He knows where 2 strike a chord
about an hour ago ·
Dhiraj Rane Let me tell u da most impt. thing: The person who is behind all this issue, Mr. Balasaheb Thackerey, who shows, dat he seriously wants to fight for sons-of-da-land, himself was born in Indore...I, and a lot of ppl hav been born and bought up in Maharashtra..Now....wat if we ppl ask him, if u aren't born in Maharashtra, if ur roots aren't from Maharashtra,who da hell has given u rights to fight for us ppl? We, don't want to get into all these crap things...we just want Maharashtra to prosper...and this is not at all possible wid Shiv-sena and M.N.S luring around da lobby of state assembly...
Let me ask 1 more thing...wot gr8 miracles has Rahul Gandhi done by visiting Mumbai, by changing da routes of da plan?
In his interviews wid students, he too criticized da Thackerey family...Was dat da maturity level he was to show to every1?
Y shud he increase da cold war...He is always welcome to bring prosperity to Maharashtra,but plzzzz.....these visits, are a bloody show-off and he shud stop doin it...waste of time, waste of police resources..and just a big waste of time..a complt day OFF to da state assembly...
WE all shud say 'Jai Maharashtra'...but it shud be said wid our own will..not any political pressure...
and plzz, all u western-culture-hyped ppl, saying it is not indecent or 'gavthi', as u ppl keep saying u r truly proud, flaunt it...
50 minutes ago ·
Omkar Bhagat I'm MNS supporter so down goes Uddhav..
48 minutes ago ·
Wasim Wani @dhiraj: good one
47 minutes ago ·
Omkar Bhagat Mumbai belongs to Maharashtrians first then to others.
44 minutes ago ·
Wasim Wani @omkar: Here comes another very political sceintist who's comments were very much needed... "Mumbai belongs to Maharashtrians first then to others" is a very childish statemnt a big joke.Omkars plzz do some googling and find out who r leading honchos in financial and entertainment world in mumbai . And plzz stop inflicting ur stinking society here
37 minutes ago ·
Dhiraj Rane @ U all EHSAAN FARAMOSH NORTH INDIANS : ppl say y shud we hurt any outsiders...wot da hell is this? i mean u keep on sending sewage frm ur states in my state and we build up OUR Govt. for Ur SEWAGE-MANAGEMENT??? U ppl occupy prime locations in our cities, use our resources, eat up our jobs,increase da crime-rate,destroy our culture, and uppar se, U want we ppl to behave in accordance wid u ppl? Go and shove off ur *#&@$..u ppl r just turning to bcum a head-ache for us ppl...plzzz...leave our state...dont u ppl hav, even a little bit of self-respect??? we r literally throwing u ppl out of our state, and still u BHIKARIS want to stay here?
27 minutes ago ·
Pushkar Joshi Mumbai surely belongs to whole India but there's some truth in the issue raised by MNS/Shiv Sena. The railway recruitment adverts weren't published in Newspapers in Maharashtra ... However in Bihar every newspaper the ads were presented... Thats the apathy of our state.
27 minutes ago ·
Omkar Bhagat wasim shud read these comments nw also d following links if he's so anti mumbai supporter
23 minutes ago ·
Omkar Bhagat kunal add up something man...
23 minutes ago ·
Wasim Wani @Omkar: Dont tell me this resrvtn bullshit...If orissa govt has done it does that justify that.
17 minutes ago ·
Kunal Mahajan fact of the matter is... to keep this nation flourishing and united... we need a very strong Govt. to balance well between the regional interests n da national 1s....
each one of them needs to dealt with differently yet in coherency,., Jobs should be made available to the locals... specially the unskilled jobs... the poor of one state cannot be starved in da name of national integrity.... 1 shud knw whre to take a moral high ground n when to respect regional sentiments
16 minutes ago ·
Wasim Wani @dhiraj: I said to omkar Now i m telling u."STOP INFLICTING YOUR STINKING SOCIETY HERE".india has no dearth of goons like u,Itz becoz f ppl like u that india sufferd under foriegn rule for so many years. There is only one sentence for ppl like u. "GET THE HELL OUT OF INDIA".
14 minutes ago ·
13 minutes ago ·
Deepak D Phopase Hey guys where is this Tatsam . He seems to have vanished all of a sudden .He is the one who instigated this debate agressively. He has no balls i suppose coz he cant stand his ground nd tats the reason y he has deleted his posts.
32 seconds ago ·
Rushi Pol @all: If u guys know who Anbumani Ramadoss is... He casted a slur against Rajnikant... Rajnikant says he is tamil... speak tamil... still someone like Ramadoss says he is not a tamil only cause he was not born there... What should we do to these north indians who live here and detest MAHARASTRA...
These migrants live here illegally in slums .... They are given 300 Sq ft place to live.... And a policeman, government employee is left deprived.... Electricity is provided to these slums ... and the farmers are living with 14 hours of load shedding....
There is nothing against Gujrathis, south indians, or guys from the east...cause leaders from there don't come here in maharastra and encourage them against us... have you ever seen jaya lalita, or karunanihi????? no.... but these biharis like sanjay nirupam are talking about distributing lathis to other U.P. guys...
Once a guy told me "Neone is allowed to work anywhere" and all the crap.... I asked him a simple thing... what will you do if a guy from other building plays in your compound and breaks all the windows and dirty the place??? He said "He'll kick him out" ......... "Well dats what we are doing" I said..... We don't want you guys in our compund......
Kunal Mahajan -> thanx 4 da comments folks... did u realise one thing -> How each 1 of us got carried away with ones own ideas and beliefs.... dats what these politicians do... they take us for granted...cos they know that the public is feather brained.... and the media plays this dirty game hands n gloves with these politicos.. remember the "malegaon blast case"... where the Congress tried to take advantage by giving the press a new jargon "Hindu Terror"... dats how easy it is for these ppl to create differences betwn us... they r no better than the British who Divided & Conquered... if nebody is to be blamed for these shitty state of affairs, it is we - who get influenced far-too-easily by the media... M glad RGV showed the vulgar side of the press in his movie Rann... i was actually hoping for such an eye opener for my countrymen...a long time since... there is a conspiracy in every controversy that the media creates 2day.. gone are the days when the media played an instrumental role in promoting Swadeshi and Satyagraha... dont build your opinion by reading a certain section of the media... United we Stand and Divided we Fall... dats true... but regional issues are as important for the Nations Integrity as are the National Security issues for World peace. Some1 will polarize a certain elements to be State fanatics... while the other will make us believe that taking High Moral ground is the only hope for sustaining national unity... well folks.. these are all gimmicks... its time we realised that the true colours of our Nation are not those that our so-called-Leaders want us to see through..
Jai Hind..JAi Maharashtra...
(Note i've written Hind B4 Maharashtra..and it shall be the same...always)
Fact of the matter is... to keep this nation flourishing and united... we need a very strong Govt. to balance well between the regional interests n da national 1s....
each one of them needs to dealt with differently yet in coherency,., Jobs should be made available to the locals... specially the unskilled jobs... the poor of one state cannot be starved in da name of national integrity.... 1 shud knw whre to take a moral high ground n when to respect regional sentiments.
PS : Rather than commenting on the same lines, I would appreciate greatly if the reason for posting such a message is understood and some unhealthy comments like the above are not made in any of our minds, even privately.
Jai Hind Jai Bharat
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